In this episode of Soul Pod Party, my mate, Kate Taylor, Empowerment Coach, discuss how we show up in our humanness at this time of COVID 19 and this special moment to reflect on our relationship to the world. During our lockdown, nature is righting herself. With no planes in the sky, less heavy industrial activity and not so many cars on the road, she is coming back to homeostasis.
The World in lockdown is shining light on some very uncomfortable truths that were always there, but that in light of COVID these can no longer be ignored. It’s shining light on the truth that in order to live in harmony and balance we must go beyond our nature and strike more than ‘taking taking taking’ from our well of natural resources, we must receive in order to share and to live a more balanced life.
Join Kate and I as we chat about being a human in society and the better spiritual balance we need to strike in our receiving and sharing.
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